Welcome to Peninsula Fiber Network
Peninsula Fiber Network is a telecommunications carrier that provides telecommunications, transport and broadband services for governments, businesses, and other telecommunication companies. We are also proud to partner with the public safety community to provide Next Generation 911 services (NG911) in Michigan and Wisconsin. Our secure, redundant fiber network extends through Michigan, Northern Wisconsin, into Canada, and in conjunction with our Indatel Network Consortium partners, PFN provides network access points across much of `the United States.
PFN Fiber Transport Network
The PFN network is a next generation 100% fiber optic transport network service with a backbone that is fully redundant and ring protected using new technology DWDM transport systems. In addition to its backbone transport systems, PFN also provides metro connectivity within several of its network cities.
Ethernet Transport TDM Transport High Density Core Internet Access Services Voice Services
Our network consists of the most current state transmission systems designed for high capacity, reliable, carrier-grade transmission service.