Internet & Wireless Providers
PFN is a carrier’s carrier. We connect hundreds of cell and WISP towers with a redundant, resilient network. We offer and standby the best SLAs in the industry. Whether you are deploying 5G, 4G, or need access to Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, or any other major hub, PFN is your choice. We also operate one of the few fiber optic connections to Canada via the International Bridge.
Our client list is a “who’s who” of carriers. We are the first choice because we are easy to work with and we deliver upon our promises.

Internet Service Providers
Commercial Broadband
PFN provides a full range of high volume, low latency Internet services from 10Mbps - 400Gbps. Our multiple, interconnected “core” routers are driven with multiple layers of direct internet backbone connectivity to provide extremely low latency, maximize throughput, and ensure consistency of performance.
Commercial Voice
If you wish to offer voice services to your customer base, PFN has the capability to deliver numbers throughout Michigan and Wisconsin. Our heritage originates with LECs, so we are experts at providing switched services. We operate our own tandem and can connect your customers to almost any other voice provider.
We operate one of the largest fiber optic networks in the Midwest and in partnership with our INDATEL members, can provide connectivity to anywhere in the world. Delivery of up to 400Gbps is possible anywhere on our network. We invest in our network every day and have established long term goals of extending our network into areas with limited telecom options.
Wireless Network Providers
PFN has extensive experience in providing wireless backhaul transport services. We have a full range of Ethernet Transport and TDM services throughout our network and we are experienced in multi EVC transport. In addition, PFN has gateways to most of the independent telco networks within our service area and we offer combined services with these telcos under one SLA.Wireless Network Providers
PFN has extensive experience in providing wireless backhaul transport services. We have a full range of Ethernet Transport and TDM services throughout most of our network and we are experienced in multi EVC transport. In addition PFN has gateways to most of the independent telco network within our service area and we offer combined services with this telcos under one SLA.